Child Abuse Prevention

Despite many countries in Sub-Saharan Africa enacting the Children’s Act and similar legislation, child abuse remains prevalent in the region due to inadequate implementation of these laws.

Currently, child protection measures in many countries of the global south are not effectively and fully implemented. Achieving compliance with such legislation would be more feasible if there was a comprehensive understanding of the magnitude of the problem and a better grasp of the factors that put children at risk.

Efforts to combat child abuse and ensure the well-being of children require a multi-faceted approach, including raising awareness about the issue, promoting effective implementation of existing legislation, and addressing the underlying factors contributing to child abuse. By working together, we can strive for a safer and more secure future for all children in these regions.

Protecting Innocence: Empowering Children and Eradicating Abuse

The Children’s Act, enacted in various countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, is a legislation aimed at addressing child abuse and improving the well-being of children. It tackles issues such as high illiteracy levels, frequent rape cases, and child labor. This act guarantees children the right to health and medical care, with shared responsibility among parents, the extended family, and the government. Despite its implementation, challenges remain in fully enforcing the act and ensuring the protection of children’s rights.

The Children’s Act has significantly improved the lives of many children in Sub-Saharan Africa who have been plagued by high illiteracy levels, frequent rape cases, and child labor. This act ensures that children have the right to health and medical care, which is the responsibility of parents, the extended family, and the government.

However, Sub-Saharan Africa still faces numerous challenges in addressing severe economic and social difficulties, hindering the full realization of children’s rights. There is concern over the insufficient enforcement of legislation aimed at safeguarding the physical and mental well-being of all children.

Rights and advocacy groups are alarmed by the physical and sexual abuse experienced by children in Sub-Saharan Africa, including commercial sexual exploitation. There is also growing concern about the impact of HIV/AIDS on orphans, which prematurely forces them into adult roles. Other persisting issues include female genital mutilation (FGM) and limited access to education, particularly for girls.

Additionally, a combination of economic and social factors is leading to an increasing number of children living on the streets throughout the region. A majority of children appearing before the juvenile court are street children, some of whom are arrested for committing crimes, while others are taken in to be processed by the care and protection system.

Unfortunately, legal representation for children is rare, and there is currently no state-paid legal system in place. The absence of clear provisions on how it will be funded further exacerbates this issue, leaving children who cannot afford lawyers without adequate support.

Child labor, which is closely linked to poverty, remains a significant problem. It prevents children from developing their full potential and earning higher incomes later in life, ultimately hindering long-term national economic growth. It is estimated that there are three to four million child laborers in Sub-Saharan Africa, working under difficult conditions that impact their health and education. Moreover, the prevalence of child labor violates both national and international laws, with children constituting 70 percent of the labor force in certain sectors of the economy.


Refocusing on Child Abuse: Amsha Africa Foundation's Targeted Areas

  1. Provide assistance to children compelled to work for their survival, emphasizing the shared responsibility of parents, the extended family, and the government.
  2. Collaborate with schools to engage in Income Generating Activities that support vulnerable children, preventing neglect and school dropouts.
  3. Facilitate the establishment of child protection teams within rural communities.
  4. Establish an organization of lawyers dedicated to providing free legal services to children whose rights have been violated.
  5. Foster partnerships between government departments and community groups to combat child labor effectively.
  6. Engage in research initiatives concerning children’s rights, including studies on street children.


Combating Child Labor: Empowering Communities

Our program provides effective development models to tackle child labor.

We actively involve communities in preventing child labor and work towards withdrawing children from hazardous work environments.

Empowering Child Advocates: Fostering Active Participation and Rights Protection

Our Child Participation program focuses on building the capacity of young individuals to become advocates for the rights of orphans and other vulnerable children.

It takes a direct and practical approach towards achieving child rights, where children themselves are trained to advocate for their own rights instead of relying solely on others to realize those rights for them.

This program aims to empower children, enabling them to actively participate in protecting their own rights.

Protecting Children from Violence: Advancing Rights

Our project is dedicated to promoting the right of every child to be protected from violence. 

Operating in Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda, South Sudan, and expanding to other African countries, we strive to halt all forms of violence against children. 

Our program focuses on enhancing knowledge and capacity among various stakeholders, enabling them to effectively respond to and minimize instances of violence against children.

 Furthermore, we work to strengthen their operational capacity to advocate for and enforce laws against violence, fostering a safe environment for all children

Promoting Foster Care: Nurturing Children in Need through Supportive Homes

Our Foster Care program actively encourages and facilitates foster carers to provide nurturing environments for children in need. 

We identify vulnerable children and subsequently assess, train, and support foster homes to welcome these children, treating them as if they were their own. 

Our program prioritizes the well-being of children, ensuring they receive the care, love, and support they deserve in a foster family setting.

Combating Child Trafficking: Safeguarding Children's Rights

Our Anti-Child Trafficking project is dedicated to minimizing and ultimately eradicating child trafficking. 

Through action-oriented studies, we strive to deepen our understanding of child trafficking and its underlying causes. 

We work diligently to raise awareness about child trafficking among diverse groups, fostering a collective understanding of its detrimental impact. Furthermore, we build the capacity of key stakeholders, empowering them to take proactive measures against child trafficking. 

By establishing and strengthening networks and alliances, we aim to effectively contribute to the fight against child trafficking, safeguarding the rights and well-being of vulnerable children.

Measuring Long-Term Success:

Amsha Africa Foundation’s program will be deemed successful in the long term upon achieving the following milestones:

  1. Providing successful support to a minimum of 100 children who are forced to work for their survival.
  2. Collaborating with at least 20 schools in Income Generating Activities, thereby supporting children facing circumstances that may lead to neglect and dropout.
  3. Establishing child protection teams within rural communities across all provinces in Kenya and expanding this initiative to other countries in the region.
  4. Delivering free legal services to at least 100 children whose rights have been violated through our dedicated organization of pro-bono lawyers.

These achievements will signify significant progress in our mission to protect and uplift the lives of vulnerable children, affirming the long-term success of our program.

Measuring Short-Term Success:

Our program has specific short-term success indicators, which include:

  1. Involving communities in the prevention of child labor and actively withdrawing children from work. Achieving involvement from even a single community will be considered a significant short-term success.
  2. Building the capacity of young individuals as advocates for the protection of rights for orphans and other vulnerable children in Kenya. By training children themselves to advocate for their own rights, rather than relying solely on others, we take a direct and practical approach to attaining child rights.
  3. Enhancing knowledge and capacity among various stakeholders, enabling effective advocacy and enforcement of laws against violence against children.
  4. Working towards minimizing and eventually eliminating child trafficking. Through action-oriented studies, we aim to increase awareness of child trafficking among different groups. Additionally, we focus on developing the capacity of key actors and fostering networks and alliances to effectively contribute to the fight against child trafficking.
  5. Identifying vulnerable children and conducting assessments, training, and providing support to foster homes. Treating these children as if they were their own, our program promotes their overall well-being.

These short-term successes reflect our commitment to addressing critical issues and making meaningful progress in protecting and supporting children’s rights.

Monitoring Program Success:

Amsha Africa Foundation will employ the following methods to assess the effectiveness of this program:

  1. Conduct surveys of foster homes to evaluate the well-being and treatment of children under their care. This will provide insights into the success and impact of the foster care component.

  2. Collaborate with schools and local authorities involved in the Income Generating Activities initiated by Arisha Africa Foundation. By measuring the progress and outcomes of children participating in these activities, we can gauge the program’s success in supporting their well-being and educational advancement.

  3. Monitor reports generated by the child protection teams established within rural communities. These reports will help identify areas of improvement and determine if additional support is required to enhance the program’s effectiveness in safeguarding children.

  4. Review monthly reports provided by the organization of lawyers offering free legal services to children. This will enable us to assess the success of the program in providing legal support and ensuring the protection of children’s rights.

  5. Engage in research activities focusing on children’s rights and conduct interviews with children involved in the program. These research efforts will help monitor the overall success of the program and gather feedback directly from the children to ensure their needs are being met.

By utilizing these monitoring methods, Amsha Africa Foundation aims to continuously evaluate and improve the program’s impact, ensuring that it effectively addresses the needs of the children and achieves its intended outcomes.

Examples of Program Success:

  1. With the support of The International Federation of Women Lawyers (FIDA),  Amsha Africa Foundation has established an organization consisting of 20 lawyers dedicated to providing free legal services to children whose rights have been violated in East Africa. This initiative has yielded positive results, with the lawyers successfully handling 42 cases and actively working on 120 ongoing cases. Through their legal expertise and support, these lawyers have made a significant impact in defending the rights of vulnerable children.

  2. Amsha Africa Foundation has collaborated with more than 12 community-based groups, working together to create child protection teams within rural communities. The efforts of these child protection teams have shown remarkable results, as indicated by our surveys. Child abuse has been significantly reduced by over 95% in some rural communities where these teams are active. This success highlights the effectiveness of community involvement and collective action in safeguarding children’s well-being.

  3. The Foster Care program, facilitated by Amsha Africa Foundation, has encouraged and supported foster carers in providing care for children in need. As a result, six foster care homes have been established, offering a safe and nurturing environment for children who have experienced abuse or neglect. The success stories of these children in foster care demonstrate significant positive growth compared to their previous challenging circumstances, affirming the program’s effectiveness in improving their lives.

These examples showcase the tangible achievements and positive outcomes of Amsha Africa Foundation’s programs, highlighting their success in protecting children’s rights, reducing child abuse, and providing crucial support to vulnerable children in need.

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