Preserving Health and Heritage: Organic Seed Banking 

At Amsha Africa Foundation, we are committed to safeguarding the health of our communities by nurturing and preserving organic seeds. In a world where genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and unhealthy foods are becoming the norm, we believe in the power of nature to nourish our bodies, protect our ecosystems, and sustain future generations.

Why Organic Seeds?

With the rise of lifestyle diseases, our communities are facing health challenges that were once unheard of. Processed and unhealthy foods are taking a toll on our people’s well-being. That’s why we champion organic, non-GMO seeds—packed with nutrition, free of harmful chemicals, and vital to long-term health.

We’re dedicated to preserving the seeds and plants that sustained our ancestors, ensuring our communities continue to thrive by producing nutritious food that heals the body and nurtures the land.

Our Seed Banking Program

We have established a thriving program that teaches local communities how to bank, nurture, and plant organic seeds in environmentally friendly ways. By working through well-structured Cooperatives (Coops) based on village clusters (typically three villages per Coop), we have seen incredible success.

Each community manages communal nurseries where they nurture vegetable crops and distribute saplings to households for kitchen gardens. This initiative has led to an average savings of 50 Kenyan shillings per household per week—money that would have been spent buying vegetables at the market.

Communities at the Forefront

The enthusiasm in the communities we work with is inspiring. From lively village meetings where we share knowledge about organic farming, to the flourishing pilot gardens already yielding healthy crops, the excitement is contagious.

The program’s success has spread beyond pilot villages into counties across Kenya. These include villages in Machakos, Kajiado, Kitui, and Embu counties, among others. With every expansion, more families are saving money, improving their health, and preserving local biodiversity.

Taita Taveta County: A Model for Success

A standout success story comes from Taita Taveta County, where we conducted capacity-building sessions and distributed 2,000 organic seeds of indigenous plants. These plants included:

  1. Managu (African Nightshade) – Highly nutritious and resilient in various climates.
  2. Terere (Amaranth) – A superfood rich in iron and vitamins.
  3. Sukumawiki (Collard Greens) – A staple in Kenyan diets, rich in fiber.
  4. Mchicha (Spider Plant) – A powerhouse of calcium and antioxidants.
  5. Kunde (Cowpeas) – Drought-resistant and highly nutritious.

Through communal nurseries, the Taita Taveta community is now growing their own food and saving money while preserving indigenous crops that are naturally suited to their environment.

Looking Ahead

Our vision is to expand this program across all of Kenya and into neighboring countries. Our goal is to reach 100 villages by the end of 2025, with an increased focus on education, seed exchange programs, and scaling up communal nurseries. We seek support to amplify this impact and bring this transformative model to even more communities.

Join Us in Growing the Future

We invite organizations and individuals passionate about food security, community empowerment, and environmental conservation to join us. Together, we can grow the seeds of change, ensuring our children inherit a healthier, more sustainable future.

 Partner with us by e-mailing at

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